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                                                                                            "GOD, Love and Rock & Roll"  (Runtime: approx. 45 min.) is the
 quintessential summer youth musical.  The two main characters 
are "Miriam" (teenage female) and Gramps (fifty-something 
male).  Miriam encounters her grandfather rocking on the 
front porch as she returns home from church camp.  In 
the ensuing dialog, Gramps relates his own experiences 
with church camp in the sixties, when he met his wife-
to-be and his LORD and SAVIOR, all in one summer.

    This one-act musical comedy features five great spiritually-themed songs of the sixties that keep the congregation singing along.  "GOD, Love and Rock & Roll" is fully choreographed (complete with kick line) and features a closing "bows" 
sequence that leads the congregation forth (in a conga line, no less) 
to a post-service reception, where everyone will no doubt
reminisce over their own church camp mountaintop experiences.

    Casting:  The cast is expandable to accommodate youth/children's groups numbering a dozen or more.  
There are also roles for a youth leader (young adult) and a singing evangelist (middle aged adult) in 
addition to the Gramps character.  Some of the dialog, as well as some of the songs, are broken 
down into segments, allowing everyone who wants a solo line to have one.       

    Costuming:  Much of the wardrobe is sixties hippie garb.  You can even make some of the costume pieces, 
such as tie-died t-shirts, embroidered jeans, and "love beads", giving your youth group another fun activity 
to incorporate into the process.  We encourage you to improvise and make this show you own.

   Sets:  We provide full set descriptions and instructions for proper set construction, as well as a stagecraft 
manual, but feel free to enlist whatever talent you can in this area and let them exercise that talent to 
whatever extent works for you.  This is another opportunity for the youth to exercise their artistic 
skills in set painting, adding their own special touches to help make this show genuinely yours!

    Lighting:  Full lighting cues are included, although not all churches will have all the special effect lighting on
hand...but I'll bet somebody knows someone in a band who can loan black lights, strobes and anything else 
you need to make this presentation a marvel of modern technology!  Again, feel free to enlist whatever 
talent you can in this area and let them exercise that talent to whatever extent works for you.

    Accompaniment:    We provide collapsible orchestration to fit your capabilities.  Whether you have a full
35-piece church orchestra, a pianist or two or want to use your Praise Band, our scores will work for you.  
We can even send you backing CDs (Karaoke Church Theatre!) or standard MIDI files (SMFs) so you can 
emulate a convincing live orchestra on any General MIDI compatible music workstation (which includes 
most synthesizers used in church these days)...and if your church uses the mighty Korg Triton, 
you're in for a real treat, with backing sequences voiced specifically to take advantage of 
this music-making powerhouse.  

    Ministry:  OK, so you're saying to yourself "'The Ministry'?  That's a strange sub-category for a production!",
but, as you can see, "GOD, Love and Rock & Roll" can involve a lot of people on a lot of different levels...some of
whom may or may not be regular members of your congregation, or any congregation.  In addition to providing 
your church with a great summer youth musical, "GOD, Love and Rock & Roll" is, at it's best, a ministry on 
many different levels
and a great opportunity to implement Christ's Great Commission a little, reaching 
some people who you may never even get to meet otherwise.  In fact, if you take nothing else away 
from your visit to this website, take this one concept and run with it in your ministry.  Your 
church drama will get better for it, your ministry will increase and, hey, you may even 
find yourself leading some unsuspecting actors, actresses, musicians, stagehands and 
tech folk to the LORD!

    If you made it this far, you may just want to see a script and find out more about how your church can relive
that summer camp experience with "GOD, Love and Rock & Roll". 
The easiest way is to click here and e-mail your comments and questions.  We'll get more info into your hands within seven to ten business days! 

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