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    "Gabe's Curious Christmas" (runtime: approx. 45 minutes) is a quirky one act
Christmas Musical starring two angels, "Gabe" (yes, that Gabe) and "Angela".
Gabe (adult male) comes to modern day Earth in the guise of a slightly 
irascible, somewhat crotchety homeless person.  He's here to bring 
us a message...a message no one wants to hear badly enough to 
talk to the likes of him.  Dirty and smelly, he quickly becomes
disgruntled with human kind for forgetting the message of 
the first Christmas...a fact evidenced by the shabby 
way we treat him.  

    Angela (older child or young teen) is a precocious young angel, wise beyond 
her years and full of optimism, love and forgiveness for all of God's children.
She's here to keep Gabe in line!  Between the two of them, we tell the story 
of the first Christmas in the language of today.  Shepherds and magi are
depicted as real people, complete with real personalities, providing some 
comic relief.  Still, in the end, we're left examining ourselves, 
wondering if we'll ever really get it.  

    ""Gabe's Curious Christmas" features ten classic Christmas tunes in
arrangements ranging from traditional to full-tilt boogie.  An eleventh 
"Mission Of Mercy", is the musical's signature song and is an original contemporary 
Christian work by Rick Fox, summing up Christ's holy mission in a grand Christian Anthem.  
Five songs are arranged in traditional SATB choral format, although they adapt well to 
smaller vocal groups, such as mixed quartets and Praise Team singers. There are five 
tunes for soloists.  The closing carol, "Silent Night", invites the congregation to sing 
along and features a reading of the Christmas story from Luke 2: 8-14 while the congregation passes the light.
The candle-lighting ritual is optional.  Some prefer a cold ending.

    Casting:  Cast traditionally, "Gabe's Curious Christmas" requires nine men and four women in addition to the Choir
and/or Praise Team and soloists. That being said, artistically speaking, we are highly flexible.  We encourage
non-traditional casting, mixing genders in traditionally-male roles such as shepherds and magi.  Additionally, 
you can cut the number of actors needed by casting people in multiple roles.  For instance, magi can also 
play shepherds and can also be carolers in the opening scene.  There are several actors without lines 
and a couple with very few lines, giving ample opportunity to involve some of your "busier" talent. 

    Costuming:  This ain't your Father's bathrobe theatre!  Oh sure, you can break out the old shepherd and wise man costumes (lovingly taylored by your old auntie Peavine for the church's 1962 Christmas Pageant)
for the flash-back scenes...or not!  Shepherds in down vests and cowboy hats may be more effective for your
congregation.  Magi in wizard suits or even old hippie garb may work for you...but whatever works for you, 
works for us!  Old Zach, on the other hand, may be best portrayed in his classic priestly robes as 
Gaberial strikes him dumb for his disbelief.  The carolers, for the sake of contrast and 
presentation, should probably be Dickensesque...but, in the end, it's all up to you.  
Feel free to tailor "Gabe's Curious Christmas"  to fit your costuming capabilities.

    Sets:  We provide full set descriptions and instructions for proper set construction, as well as a stagecraft manual
but, again, feel free to enlist whatever talent you can in this area and let them exercise that talent to whatever
extent works for you.

    Lighting:  Full lighting cues are included, although not all churches will have all the special effect lighting on
hand...but I'll bet somebody knows someone in a band who can loan black lights, strobes and anything else 
you need to make this presentation a marvel of modern technology!  Again, feel free to enlist whatever 
talent you can in this area and let them exercise that talent to whatever extent works for you.

    Accompaniment:    We provide collapsible orchestration to fit your capabilities.  Whether you have a full 35-piece
church orchestra, a pianist or two or want to use your Praise Band, our scores will work for you.  We can even
send you backing CDs (Karaoke Church Theatre!) or standard MIDI files (SMFs) so you can emulate a convincing 
live orchestra on any General MIDI compatible music workstation (which includes most synthesizers used in 
church these days)...and if your church uses the mighty Korg Triton, you're in for a real treat, with 
backing sequences voiced specifically to take advantage of this music-making powerhouse.  

    Ministry:  OK, so you're saying to yourself "'The Ministry'?  That's a strange sub-category for a production!",
but, as you can see, "Gabe's Curious Christmas" can involve a lot of people on a lot of different levels...some 
of whom may or may not be regular members of your congregation, or any congregation.  In addition to 
providing your church with the obligatory Christmas musical, "Gabe's Curious Christmas" is, at it's 
best, a ministry on many different levels and a great opportunity to implement Christ's Great 
Commission a little, reaching some people who you may never even get to meet otherwise.  
In fact, if you take nothing else away from your visit to this website, take this one 
concept and run with it in your ministry.  Your church drama will get better for it, 
your ministry will increase and, hey, you may even find yourself leading some 
unsuspecting actors, actresses, musicians, stagehands and tech folk to the LORD!

    If you made it this far, you may just want to see a script and find out more about how your church can bring
"Gabe's Curious Christmas"  home for the holidays.  The easiest way is to
click here and e-mail your comments and questions.  We'll get more info into your hands within seven to ten business days!  

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